Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Integrity??? NFL??? Really...?

Amidst all the allegations, investigations, and subsequent findings(or presumed findings) of "Deflategate" which is the tampering with footballs used during the AFC Championship game between the Indianapolis Colts and New England Patriots. This term, Integrity, which is to say, the lack there of has been the determining factor behind the punishments given to Tom Brady and the Patriots organization as a whole. My question... 
When did the NFL or any professional sport become the standard for INTEGRITY???
I do believe that most, if not all professional athletic organizations have some version of an INTEGRITY clause. These clauses are formed for each individual league/organization. Before this past season, the NFL had rules in place specifically for balls in the game operations manual and I'm certain all teams are given these to insure all rules are to be followed. In the instance of non compliance to any or all rules, punishments are in place so that everyone is aware of what will happen if, in fact, anyone is charged with the breaking of said rules.

Here are five things to know about the NFL's ball rules, according to the NFL Game Operations manual:
1. Home and visiting teams should have 12 new Wilson Official NFL Footballs for referees to check before the game. Home clubs should have 12 extra balls as backup and visiting teams can provide 12 additional balls at their discretion.
2. Footballs should never be placed on or inside heated benches or in front of heaters.
3. Wilson Sporting Goods gives instructions to equipment managers for proper ball preparation, including brushing the balls and wiping them down with a damp towel.
4. Extra footballs are in ball bags during the game and put near the on-field instant replay monitor.
5. Anyone who alters the inflation of a ball faces a $25,000 fine.
So where does INTEGRITY play here? And why isn't it mentioned anywhere that altering balls is effectively, a direct violation of a "moral" or "integrity" clause? My guess, it didn't or doesn't exist. The GAME of football has no integrity, much like baseball, basketball, hockey, etc. However, we do expect PEOPLE to have some morals, values, and standards of high quality. But how can you truly enforce that in an organization that makes underhanded deals whenever it's deemed necessary. The NFL violated its own rules and guidelines by enforcing something that didn't exist. Where's the INTEGRITY in that? Major League Baseball has kept its greatest hitter of all time, Pete Rose, out of its Hall of Fame because of gambling. While men like Ty Cobb, who was an animate racist, are heralded as these great men. So maybe if if Pete Rose was a bigot instead of a gambler, he'd be in the Hall of Fame. My point... Let's stop pretending that this (Deflategate) has anything to do with INTEGRITY of football. This has everything to do with Roger Goodell and the court of public opinion. Fact is, people will continue to watch NFL football games no matter what. This issue might have helped them sell some extra tickets or possibly make the occasional fan pay a bit more attention, not only to the game but also to the players. Win win for the NFL but let's not confuse INTEGRITY with saving face...really.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It's KRAFT, cheese and macaroni

It's KRAFT, cheese and macaroni
Have you ever seen the old TV show, "V"? Or the movie, "Disturbing Behavior"? Well, in these, as well as in a few of other movies and television shows, the controlling faction manages to take someone that is completely against "the system" and turn them into advocates for "the system". Tell me, why would a billionaire, business man like Robert Kraft decide to take the "plea" and the subsequent sentencing that came along with it if he felt, like we all seen, a true injustice was being done? He gave, what I would call, a concession speech, stating his stance and what he supposedly believed, all the while, rolling with the NFL's assessment of the situation. In the mini-series "V", there was a senator completely against the ideas for the future as seen by the "visitors" from another world(spoiler alert, although this came out in the 1980's). This senator is then last seen being led to a meeting with the SUPREME COMMANDER. Shortly after, let's say a a day or so, this same senator publicly speaks on his voluntary compliance with all the "visitors" have to say in regards to their vision of the future. So, the interesting part of this is that it comes after league owners and other league officials are together preparing for league meetings. I guess I can't say that I'm not surprised by his decision, I'm more surprised and disappointed as to how it happened. The case against the NFL, violating its own policies was very strong and only getting stronger. So why pull out, was the condom about to break? In the words of Riggs and Murtaugh... "Its too thin!" 
My respect for Mr. Kraft was growing, believing he was willing to fight for what's right. Which has been the opposite, in these recent times, in this new world where so many public figures conform to public opinion that it seems no one knows how to make decisions without polling the public first. Or even changing their past opinions to make the "public" feel better. The NFL's decision regarding the New England Patriots, its staff, and Tom Brady was all about public opinion because their own rules, guidelines, policies or whatever you wish to call them at this point, were already in place and were thrown out the window so the commissioner, Robert Goodell could save face. My speculation: with the assistance from other owners, Mr Goodell managed to "sway" his ole friend by asking him one question... "What's for lunch?"   

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

For some time I've flirted with the idea of having a blog or a platform to launch my ideas, opinions, and knowledge from. I've had a couple of You Tube channels and even created a site but I didn't have the vision to see it through, or maybe I was just lazy. But there comes a time in the life of every king when he must step up and take his throne. THE TIME IS NOW!!! 
The best sports mind to not have his own show on TV(me), the best TV/movie critic(me), ok I'll just say it, I'm the best...any questions?. It's rhetorical! 
Do I think I know it all...NO, but what I do know, YOU can't tell me any different.
Look, I love to learn and I love logical thinking and reasoning. I haven't been known to shy away from a good debate or heated discussion. That said, I tend to steer clear of factless jibberish(my words) and the people that stand by baseless rhetoric.
The King is here...